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3 Ways Smart technology is reducing our carbon footprint

The earth is undergoing significant changes, and most of them aren’t for the best. Climate change is creating an increase in temperatures across the globe, changing precipitation patterns, causing sea levels to rise— and the list goes on. The bottom line is that it’s affecting the earth and all that live on it. There’s undeniable scientific evidence showing that humans are the main cause of climate change. Although it’s unintentional, we’re still having a negative impact on the earth, and it’s up to us to fix it. Thanks to technology, this not only makes it possible but makes it easier for us to reverse our effect on the planet. Here are some of the ways it’s helping us reduce our carbon footprint

Smart homes effortlessly save energy

Smart home devices make it easy for anyone and everyone to use less energy. Thermostats monitor your behavior at home and adjust the temperature automatically or allow you to turn the heater or air conditioner on and off wherever you are. Smart plugs and lightbulbs turn off when people aren’t in the room or electronic devices aren’t in use. These are just a couple of the many ways a smart home saves energy with no extra effort on your part.

Smart traffic systems reduce emissions

New traffic systems, such as lights and sensors, are reducing emissions by improving the flow of traffic. When cars are stopped and waiting for a light to change, they emit large amounts of fuel. To combat this, sensors on the roads detect when cars are waiting at a light or when traffic is heavy going a certain direction. These sensors let traffic lights know when to change so that traffic keeps flowing.

Some cities are even implementing “flex lanes,” or reversible smart lanes, which can be used for traffic going either direction based on changing signs above each lane. These signs change based on traffic patterns throughout the day to keep cars moving and help to avoid traffic jams.

Smart grids and meters assist in reducing energy consumption

Smart grids and meters do more than ensure homes and buildings always have electricity. They collect and analyze energy consumption data, which is then passed onto consumers. This helps them to be aware of just how much energy they use and has motivated many to consciously reduce their daily consumption.

Smart grids also utilize artificial intelligence to properly distribute energy. Power outages and surges ultimately can use a lot of energy, and smart grids help to avoid them and save that valuable energy for when we really need it.

As smart technology continues to develop, there’s no doubt that we’ll find more ways to use it for the betterment of the planet. We need to do our part by utilizing the smart tech that’s currently available to reduce our carbon footprint. Technology stil l needs our assistance, so we need to do our part while we still can.


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