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Home Invasion Preparedness: What You Need to Know

Of all the available home defense weapons, the most effective one is your brain. No matter what type of home defense weapon you use, you have to be able to think tactically. This kind of thinking goes beyond the usual point-and-shoot reaction that most gun owners have instilled in their brains because of the typical range training they use. Let's break this down a little more and really tap into your brain and devise a realistic home invasion self-defense plan.

Five Defense Tactics Against A Violent Home Invasion

  1. You need to develop a code word that will tell your entire family that it's time to spring into action. You don't need to make up some kind of secret code. The word "escape" works very well and is simple and straight to the point. Forget about "red wolf" and use something simple.

  2. Designate a "safe room" in your home where everyone can go at the same time. This room should be stocked with several specific items that will help you survive the upcoming fight. The list of items isn't that long, but the list is outside the scope of this article. The one thing that you must have in this room is a phone that can be used to call the police.

  1. Do not, under any circumstances, leave the safe room. If you have your family in the room with you, resist the urge to put on your cape and fight the invaders single handedly.

  2. Develop a "fatal funnel." If you are using a gun for home defense, position yourself in a corner of the safe room that is on the opposite side of the door. This will give you the maximum amount of time to decide if you're going to shoot, because you'll be the last thing the intruders see when they burst through the door. In this instance, you have the advantage because they will have to make an assessment of the room before they make a move. You only have to decide if you're going to shoot or not. You will know that it's either the police coming to your rescue or the bad guys coming to harm you. Just make sure you don't shoot the police.

  3. Stay in the safe room until the police arrive, no matter how long it takes. Even if you are pretty sure the home invasion is finished and the intruders have left, do not leave the safe room. You can't be sure that the attackers aren't lying in wait to take your family by force to hold them hostage or cause harm. Stay in the room until the police have cleared the house and tell you to come out before you decide the home invasion is over.

By implementing these home invasion preparedness measures and staying vigilant, you can better safeguard your home and family against the threat of intrusion and improve overall security and safety. Remember that prevention, preparedness, and proactive security measures are key to mitigating risks and minimizing potential harm in emergency situations.

Contact Canadian Smart Systems for more details.


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